Webinar – Compressed air savings in the glass industry
Date: November 3
USA/Americas 10 AM EST
Europe 4 PM CET
Asia 11 PM CST
VPInstruments will be part of the webinar hosted by Glass International on Energy Efficiency in the glass industry. Joining the webinar is free of charge.
The glass industry is a big consumer of compressed air, where compressed air can take up to 30% of the electricity bill. So measuring, optimizing, and saving compressed air is key for the glass industry to lower costs and to be more competitive. Read here also our glass user case story to learn the savings potential.
Menno Verbeek will give a presentation on behalf of VPInstruments; How glass factories benefit from compressed air savings.
Main takeaways:
– Why save compressed air?
– Savings opportunities in compressed air systems
– How measurement and monitoring are key to make the right optimization investments.
For registration click here.