Video: VPInstruments 20 years
Celebrating 20 years of saving energy. Watch our video now. Feel free to use it in your own marketing; e.g. on your website, in social media and email it to (potential) customers.
Click here for the video.
New reference cases
Please find the reference cases at the bottom of the download section for distributors.
- These are not for publication, but meant o email (potential) customers
- Want to learn more about a specific reference case, always contact VPInstruments or the referenced distributor!
Click here for the download section
New email to increase your exposure to your (potential) customers by mass emailing
A new email with a user case article involving PepsiCo. Increase your exposure to your (potential) customers by mass emailing. Just copy the text below or get the text in a Word file via the link below. Include your company details and you press send!
- We propose the following subject header of your email: PepsiCo factory: 60% of compressed air reduction. Read how!
- Download here the email text in Word.
- Contact us when you want to implement the article on your own website.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our marketing director Cynthia Kuiper via Looking forward to your results!
Replacing a VPSensorCartridge in the field? Upgrade your safety cable as well
Last year, the safety cable of the VPFlowScope has been upgraded to a more sturdier version. Do you still have a red safety cable in the field and are you buying a replacement VPSensorCartridge? We recommend to include the new safety cable with you order for better safety.

New firmware VPFlowScope M Transmitter 1.5.1
VPFlowScope M Transmitters are now delivered with firmware release 1.5.1. In this firmware we fixed some minor bugs, included small improvements for the date logger emmeory and the datalogger now saves NAN when invalid data is received.
Important notice: Transmitter firmware 1.5.1 is not compatible with VPSensorCartridges with S/N 6100658 and lower. When connected, the display on the transmitter will show: “Sensor not supported” and the alarm LED will blink 4 times. Please note: VPStudio does not detect this matter.
Emailing USA bank account is validated
Are you based in the USA and have you received our email regarding a USA bank account, rest assured, this email is correct and comes from VPInstruments.